A Humorist on Becoming A Writer

HPIM35870 Book Cover for Becky Povich

Come on in and have a seat. We’re all friends here. Let me introduce you to the woman in the spotlight.

Please meet Humorist – Bliss Follower – Writer, Becky Povich.

The photos is one Becky will use for the cover of her book.

Becoming a Writer

In the summer of 2001, I decided to write my memoir. Although I’d only written one chapter, and never submitted any of my writing, anywhere, I felt as if I was being pulled in that direction. Somehow, I sensed I would be able to accomplish the improbable task.

In May of that year, my brother called to tell me our estranged dad was gravely ill and not expected to live. I was shocked with an overwhelming feeling of sadness since I’d always told myself I wouldn’t shed one tear when he died. And I was gripped with panic because I was so afraid I wouldn’t get there in time to say, “I love you.”

I made the trip to Des Moines, Iowa to see Dad, and his health improved. After returning home, I wrote about my emotions and the words just flowed. (Ah, if only it was always that easy!) My essay landed me a spot in a local newspaper, the St. Charles County (Missouri) Journal. When I received the phone call from the editor telling me I was one of the few selected for the occasional column, I knew then that I could write.

Around 2004 I read that Chicken Soup for the Soul was looking for stories for a Father/Daughter anthology. I excitedly submitted the one I’d already written, but it wasn’t chosen. I also submitted one for their sisters anthology which did well, but didn’t make the final cut. Although I was discouraged, I kept plugging along.

In 2007, a story I submitted for Chicken Soup for the New Mom’s Soul was finally accepted and that’s when I felt like I’d really accomplished something. Right after that, I was contacted by a local writer who also had a story in the same anthology. She suggested we meet and talk about…..what else? Writing! Her name is Linda (no, not Linda Joyce!) and I am so grateful for her encouragement from the moment we met. It was through Linda that I heard about the various writing groups in the St. Louis area, joined a couple of them, read at Open Mic Nights, attended workshops and conferences, and gradually learned there is so much about writing that I didn’t know. Especially about good writing, great writing, and the importance of finding the perfect critique group….for me.

HPIM34811 Becky Povich

During those years I was fortunate to have other essays and stories accepted for anthologies, a couple of magazines, and I was a frequent contributor to a small Iowan newspaper.

So, even though I talked about writing my memoir in 2001, and worked on it off and on for such a long time, I finally completed it in November 2012. During those eleven years, I also gave presentations at schools and library events about Going for Your Dreams and never giving up no matter how long it takes. I think I’m a great example because I celebrated a big birthday last month, my 60th and my memoir is coming out later this year: From Pigtails to Chin Hairs: A Memoir & More.

Thank you so much, Linda Joyce, for inviting me to be a guest blogger! I truly enjoyed it and I hope your readers will also enjoy learning a bit about me and my journey to become a writer. Becky Povich
Please feel free to e-mail me Writergal53@gmail.com and/or visit my blog http://www.beckypovich.blogspot.com

You can learn more about me and find other very interesting people on my blog list.

About Linda Joyce

Writing is a curious journey. You don't pick it, it picks you. See my website at www.Linda-Joyce.com to learn more about me.
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27 Responses to A Humorist on Becoming A Writer

  1. Becky says:

    Hi Linda! Thanks again for inviting me to be a guest blogger. It was great fun!

  2. Sue says:

    It is always fun to learn more about the journeys of other bloggers…I enjoyed this!

  3. I LOVE the title of Becky’s memoir, and hope she sells a bazillion copies.

  4. Hi Linda, I am a friend of Becky’s, and have enjoyed my visit to your blog. Becky, I didn’t know all this stuff, just bits and pieces. I am so proud of you!

    Kathy M.

  5. Good luck with your memoirs, Becky. I hope it sells fantastically well. How exciting that it is finally finished. Well done you!

  6. Becky says:

    Awwww, thanks everyone!

  7. Good luck with your memoirs:)

  8. Very nice. Always interesting to see another’s journey and that we all learn the same thing. Writing is hard work and there is always something to be learned.

  9. Becky says:

    Hello Picturemereading and Kathy L Wheeler! Thank you for taking the time to comment. It’s great to hear from other writers and readers and receive encouragement! 🙂

  10. Becky says:

    I forgot to add that the photo (like the one above) that will be used for the cover of my memoir, looks A LOT better than this one! This is a copy of a copy, etc. The cover will have a “clear” one! 🙂

  11. Myrna says:

    Becky has accomplished so much in her writing career. What’s most impressive to me is that regardless of how busy she is, she finds time to support and encourage friends like me. As a writer, blogger and human being she shines like the brightest star. Thank you Linda for recognizing her talents.

    • Linda Joyce says:


      I find Becky to be upbeat and tenacious. I like those qualities in friends and writers. I look forward to getting to know her better. Thank you, Myrna, for showing your support to her.


      Linda Joyce

  12. Becky says:

    Thank you, Myrna, once again for being so generous with your compliments! And it’s friends like you who have kept me going when I felt like quitting.

  13. Becky says:

    And thank you again, Linda Joyce, for having me as a guest blogger! I really enjoyed it and would like to have you be a guest on MY blog sometime, too! Have a beautiful, blissful day!

  14. I’ve been thinking about writing a memoir, but wasn’t sure I could, after over twenty years of writing fiction. Thanks for providing inspiration as well as a fascinating story.

  15. Becky says:

    Norma, thank you! That’s one of the main things I always speak about: go for your dreams. At least do it for yourself, and who knows?…others may be very interested in reading it, too! I’d love for you to keep in touch with me and let me know how you’re doing.

  16. Becky says:

    Wow, Linda Joyce! I’m flattered to receive such wonderful comments! Thanks again.

  17. Becky says:

    ☺ Sheesh, I can’t make this any larger….but it’s a happy face, in case you can’t tell! 🙂

  18. Becky says:

    Well, how silly of me! I forgot!

  19. Margo Dill says:

    I think Becky’s spirit is amazing, and I for one am so excited for the memoir to come out. Becky, keep writing and keep blogging and keep dreaming! Linda Joyce: Thanks for hosting, Becky!

  20. Lois Roelofs says:

    Becky, What a long history of perserverance. You will get that book published! Lois

  21. Becky says:

    Hi Margo and Lois! Thank you both, very much, for believing in me and for cheering me on! I really appreciate it.

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